
Everyday Creativity

Everyday Creativity

Ivy from Whitebriars Care Home virtually visiting the Japanese blossoms with the help of a creative card and activity coordinator Martha.

In January 2021 Lucy was selected as project artist for a six month project collaborative project with artists Sarah Bryant and Marisa Gardiner. Commissioned by Culture shift and Public Health East Sussex, the Everyday Creativity project explored the impact of creative activity on people’s health and wellbeing during lockdown, developing the things that people have been doing to manage their mental health, build resilience and combat social isolation.

Lucy, Sarah and Marisa developed a number of creative interactions that could be used by Activity Coordinators and family members. They supported Activity Coordinators and family members in weekly creative online sessions, providing much needed support and wellbeing support in a difficult time for care workers.

The key component of the project was to develop multi -sensory creative materials and resources co-designed with Activity Coordinators based on a broad selection of topics which would have a wide appeal, as well as having multi layered options so they could be used in a variety of settings. These cards can be used for short, person-centred interactions or wider group activities.

“I think this was a wonderful project, where the artists provided excellent resources. The cards and activities were simple, beautiful and creative. I think one of the greatest resources that the artists offered was themselves: their time, supervision, and enthusiastic encouragement. They truly cared about the Activity Coordinators, and every resident involved in the project, and I think that was a really special thing. In the context of a pandemic, with the isolation that so many people have faced, I think it’s a really important time to care.” - Dr Caitlin Gordon

The artists supported Activity Coordinators and care staff to use simple evaluation tools to measure the results of the creative interventions. Over 134 sessions were delivered over the duration of the project, participants reporting 77% increased feelings of happiness,  78% increased feeling of being interested,  70% increase in feeling confident.

Do get in touch if you are interested in finding out more about The Everyday Creativity model or using it in your setting.

Instagram: @_everydaycreativity

Media Coverage of Project:

East Sussex County Council

Hastings Independent

Creativity and Wellbeing week blog

Ivy from Whitebriars going on a virtual visit to the seaside!

Activity Coordinator Jade and resident ivy from Saxonwood Care Home exploring a photo treasure hunt.