Locked in Art
During the 2020 lockdown, Lucy worked with This New Ground collective on their Locked in Art project. This project enabled Hammersmith and Fulham's learning disabled community to stay connected and creative whilst in social isolation during the COVID -19 outbreak.
During this project participants worked alongside TNG associate artist Lucy to develop approaches to inclusive art-making across digital platforms. Weekly online art workshops helped participants maintain a sense of community and wellbeing during the lockdowns, as well as providing them with the opportunities to develop their creative and digital skills and self confidence.
As part of this project Lucy created resources available to the wider community by releasing weekly art activity sheets. They are available to download here.
In December Lucy worked with the group to create an exhibition and zine, to celebrate the work created. The exhibition was displayed at Bush Theatre.
“The exhibition is so beautiful..I wasn’t prepared for how emotional it was. A really terrific time capsule of the year and its so brilliant to see collective, creative expression like this. Gorgeous stuff!” - Bush Theatre Staff member
This project is supported by The Big Lottery Community Fund, Bishop Creighton House, United H&F and The London Community Foundation.